PHP session_get_cookie_params() Function
What is session_get_cookie_params Function?
The "session_get_cookie_params()" function is used to get the session cookie parameters.
array session_get_cookie_params(void)
The array can contain following parameters
- "lifetime" - The lifetime of the cookie in seconds.
- "path" - The path where information is stored.
- "domain" - The domain of the cookie.
- "secure" - The cookie should only be sent over secure connections.
- "httponly" - The cookie can only be accessed through the HTTP protocol.
Example :
$array = session_get_cookie_params();
while (list($key,$val) = each($array)) {
echo "$key => $val";
Result :
lifetime => 0 path => / domain => secure => httponly =>
In the above example the we list the array parameters of the session_get_cookie_params() listed by keys and values.