Relational Operator in JSP Expression Language

What are the Relational Operator in JSP Expression Language?


Equality or relational operator in JSP Expression Language is used to check the values returned by two expressions or operands. Comparisons can also be done with other values like boolean, string, integer, or floating point literals.
Logic Expression Result
Equal ${10.0==10} true
Equal ${10.0 eq 10} true
Not Equal ${((20*10)!= 200)} true
Not Equal ${3 ne 3} false
Greater than or equal ${3.2>=2} true
Greater than or equal ${3.2 ge 2} true
Less than ${2<3} true
Less than ${4 lt 6} true
Less than or equal ${2 <= 4} true
Less than or equal ${4 le 2}

Example :

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %>
<p>Relational Operator Example</p>
<c:if test="${'Computer'!='computer'}"> It's true that Computer is not equal to computer
Result :

Relational Operator Example
It's true that Computer is not equal to computer

In the above example we have used a "if" statement along with relational operator "!=" to compare two strings "Computer" and "computer" which are not equal since the first letter "C" are in different cases. So its "true" the message "It's true that Computer is not equal to computer" is displayed.

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