MAP/Image Mapping
How to map an image using HTML?
Image Mapping:A picture or an image(jpeg, gif.,) can be used as a link to other html page by using <img>, <map> and <area> tags. The image can be used as links just by having the coordinates of shapes like rectangle or circle or polygon.
Example : <img src="tmahal.jpeg" usemap = #imgmap border=0>
<map name=imgmap>
<area shape=Rect Coords=30,30,59,59 Href="taj.jpg" Target="_blank">
<area shape=Rect Coords=100,60,129,80 Href="elephant.gif" Target="_blank" >
Result : In the above example the rectangular image mappings have been used. We can also use shapes like circle or polygon:
<area shape=rect coords= x1,y1, x2,y2 Href="">
<area shape=circle coords= x1,y1, x2,y2 Href="">
<area shape=polygon coords= x1,y1, x2,y2 Href="">
Attributes for image areaClassIndicates that the text is to be formatted using the specified class.
dir=directionIndicates the direction (right or left) of the text to be displayed. Useful for languages which display left to right.
id="name"You can name the text, which allows it to be referred and changed in a script (dynamic HTML).
NAME="NAME"Name of an image map.
style= "style"Defines the style for the text to be displayed
title="title"You can give a text a title if you want. This provides some additional information about the text.