Structure in C++ Program

What is the basic structure of C++?


Like any other programming language C++ also follows some basic structure to develop a program.

Basic Structure of C++ program:

#include directive
Global Declarations
return-type main()
{ Statements

Include Directive:

The "#include" directive is used to include the files specifed inside the "<>" brackets. Mostly standard files or header files of C++ are included using this directive like iostream.h, math.h etc.

Global Declarations:

The variables and other elements that need to be used all over the program or rather globally should be declared after the include directive.

main() Function:

The main function is executed first in a C++ program. If a main() is supposed to return a integer value then the return type should be specified as "int main()". If no value is returned simply use the return-type as "void".

The statements used inside the "main()" function can include the functions, classes used in C++ along with other statements.

For Example:

#include <iostream.h>
void main()
{ cout << "!";

The above is the example of a structure in C++.

The variables and other elements that need to be used all over the program or rather globally should be declared after the include directive.

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