What are String / Character Functions in C++?
Name | Description |
isalnum() | Checks if the given argument is alphanumeric character. |
isalpha() | Checks if the given argument is an alphabet. |
isdigit() | Checks if the given argument is a digit(0-9) |
ispunct() | Checks if the given argument is a punctuation character |
iscntrl() | Checks if the given argument is a control character |
isspace() | Checks if the given argument is a space character |
isupper() | Checks if the given argument is a uppercase alphabets |
isgraph() | Checks if the given argument is a graphical character. |
islower() | Checks if the given argument is a lowercase alphabets |
isprint () | Checks if the given argument is a printable character |
isxdigit() | Checks if the given argument is a hexadecimal digit |
strcpy() | Copies the content of a string to another. |
strchr() | Returns a pointer value for the first occurrence of character. |
strcat() | Appends a copy of the source string to the destination string |
strcoll() | |
strncmp() | Compares two strings lexicographically until the characters differ or a null terminated string is encountered |
strncpy() | Copies upto the characters specified in the "count" from string 2 to string 1 |
strpbrk() | Returns a pointer to the first character in string that matches any character another string. |
strrchr() | Returns the last occurrence of a character in the string. |
strstr() | Returns a pointer to the first occurence of string2 in string1. |
strspn() | Returns the initial subtring of string1 which consists only of characters contained in string2. |
strtok() | Returns a pointer to next token in the string. |
strxfrm() | Transforms string2, so that it can be used by "strcmp()". |
strerror() | Returns the value of errnum as a string a string describing the error. |
strlen() | Returns the length of a string. |
strcspn() | Returns the index of the first character in the string1 that matches any of the characters in string2. |
tolower() | Returns the lowercase of the parameter. |
toupper() | Returns the uppercase of the parameter. |
memset() | Sets the specified number of bytes of memory pointed by the pointer to the specified value. |
memchr() | Searches the array for first occurence of a character. |
memmove() | Copies the specified count of characters from the an array to another. |
memcpy() | Copies the specified number of characters from the array2 to array1. |
memcmp() | Compares the specified number of characters from the array1 to array2. |