sinh() - Mathematical Function

How is Mathematical Function "sinh()" used in C++?
How to find the Hyperbolic sine value of an argument using c++?


sinh() is a Mathematical Function that returns hyperbolic sine value for the given argument. If this function returns a large value, then it returns "HUGE_VAL" with the same sign as the value of operation, then the global variable "errno" is set to "ERANGE".

Syntax to find Hyperbolic sine value:

float sinh ( float arg);
double sinh ( double arg);
long double sinh ( long double arg);

Example :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
for (double arg=-1.0;arg<=1.0; arg+=.5)
printf("Hyperbolic sine value of %f is::
%f.\n", arg, sinh(arg));
return 0;

Result :

Hyperbolic sine value of
is:: -1.175201.
Hyperbolic sine value of
is:: -0.521095.
Hyperbolic sine value of
is:: 0.000000.
Hyperbolic sine value of
is:: 0.521095.
Hyperbolic sine value of
is:: 1.175201.

In the above example sinh() is used to find hyperbolic sine values in the range "-1.0 to 1.0" by increasing the value by ".5".

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