Zoom Text Javascript highlights the particular text on your web page by increasing the font size.
Give zoom effect to any part of the text on your web page.
Simple script to highlight the title of web page without flash effect.
Animate multiple text using this zoom effect javascript.
Independent script for various platform and browsers.
<!-- Script by hscripts.com --><script type="text/javascript"> var s=0;//Minimum Font size var i=0; var m=100;//maximum font size var d=1500;//delay Time //---------------write Your Text------------- var msg=new Array(); msg[0]="Welcome to" msg[1]="Hscripts.com" msg[2]="JavaScripts Tutorial" msg[3]="PHP Tutorial" msg[4]="Css Tutorial" msg[5]="Scripts" msg[6]="and much more..." //---------------write Your Text------------- function changeMsg() {if (i>=msg.length) {location.href=('https://www.hscripts.com');// url to redirect after last zoomreturn true;}txt=document.getElementById("cont");txt.innerHTML=msg[i]; s=0; zoomTxt(); i++;setTimeout("changeMsg()",d); } function zoomTxt(){if(s<m){txt.style.fontSize = s; s+=5; setTimeout("zoomTxt()", 30);} } function ctck() { var sds = document.getElementById("dum"); if(sds == null){ alert("You are using a free package.\n You are not allowed to remove the tag.\n"); } var sdss = document.getElementById("dumdiv"); if(sdss == null){ alert("You are using a free package.\n You are not allowed to remove the tag.\n"); } } document.onload ="ctck()"; </script> <!-- Script by hscripts.com -->