Javascript NCR calculator is used to find the number of combinations(nCr) for the given value. Enter the values to the textbox and then find the number of combinations(nCr) for those values.In probability we can use npr calculation.
By using this calculator we can find the number of combinations.
This is used in probability to calculate combinations.
This is free javascript calculator.
Copy the code from given textarea and use this calculator.
Enter values to Textboxes to find the combinations.
Javascript Code
<!-- Script by --> <script type="text/javascript"> function cal() {var n=frm.txt.value;var r=frm.txt1.value;if(n=="" || r==""){alert("Please Enter proper values");frm.txt2.value="";}else{var f=1;for(var i=1;i<=n;i++){f=f*i;} var r1=n-r;var f1=1;for(i=1;i<=r;i++){f1=f1*i;}var f2=1;for(i=1;i<=r1;i++){f2=f2*i;}var res=f1*f2;var res1=f/res;frm.txt2.value=Math.round(res1*Math.pow(10,2))/Math.pow(10,2);} } function isInteger(s) {var i;s=s.toString(s);for(i=0;i<s.length;i++){var c=s.charAt(i);if(isNaN(c)){alert("Given value is not a number");frm.txt.value="";return false;}}return true; } function isInteger1(s) {var i;s=s.toString(s);for(i=0;i<s.length;i++){var c=s.charAt(i);if(isNaN(c)){alert("Given value is not a number");frm.txt1.value=""; return false;}}return true; } </script>
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Create a HTML form using the above HTML code.
Here, the function "cal()" is used to find out the nCr calculation. The function "isInteger()",isInteger1()" is called to check whether the given value is string or an nteger.
nCr calculation is used in probability.
Copy the code into your page and use this calculator.