Matrix Multiplication Calculator
Online Matrix Multiplication Calculator, helps you to calculate the product of two dimensional and three dimensional matrices effortlessly.
Matrix multiplier is designed to work with matrices in few minutes.
Multiply 2D and 3D matrices using this javascript matrix multiplication calculator.
You can input only integer numbers in this online calculator.
Responsive and supports all modern browsers.
Note: Matrices multiplication is possible only when the number of columns of first matrix is equal to the number of rows of second matrix. e.g: (3x2)*(2x3), (3x3)*(3x1).
Code <!-- Script by --> <!-- More scripts --> <html><head><title>Matrix Multiplication Calculator | Multiply Matrices Javascript Code</title></head><script type="text/javascript"> var ai=4; var aj=4; var bi=4; var bj=4; function seta(xx1, xx2) { if(xx1 == 1){ai = 4; aj = 4;} else if(xx1 == 2){ai = 4; aj = 3;} else if(xx1 == 3){ai = 3; aj = 4;} else if(xx1 == 4){ai = 4; aj = 2;} else if(xx1 == 5){ai = 2; aj = 4;} else if(xx1 == 6){ai = 3; aj = 3;} if(xx2 == 1){bi = 4; bj = 4;} else if(xx2 == 2){bi = 4; bj = 3;} else if(xx2 == 3){bi = 3; bj = 4;} else if(xx2 == 4){bi = 4; bj = 2;} else if(xx2 == 5){bi = 2; bj = 4;} else if(xx2 == 6){bi = 3; bj = 3;} } function marka() {var eleman=0;var eleman1=0;var xx1 = document.getElementById("amat").value;var xx2 = document.getElementById("bmat").value; seta(xx1,xx2); for(var a=1; a<4; a++) { for(var b=1; b<4; b++) { var sd = ("a"+a+b);eleman = document.getElementById(sd);eleman.removeAttribute("disabled"); document.getElementById(sd).value=''; if(a >= ai || b >= aj) {eleman.disabled = true;document.getElementById(sd).value='0'; } } } for(var a=1; a<4; a++) { for(var b=1; b<4; b++) { var sd = ("b"+a+b);eleman = document.getElementById(sd);document.getElementById(sd).value='';eleman.removeAttribute("disabled"); if(a >= bi || b >= bj){eleman.disabled = true;document.getElementById(sd).value='0';} } } for(var a=1; a<4; a++) { for(var b=1; b<4; b++) { var sd = ("aa"+a+b);eleman = document.getElementById(sd);document.getElementById(sd).value='';eleman.removeAttribute("disabled"); if(a >= ai || b >= bj){eleman.disabled = true;} } } for(var a=1; a<4; a++) { for(var b=1; b<4; b++) { var sd = ("ba"+a+b);eleman = document.getElementById(sd);document.getElementById(sd).value='';eleman.removeAttribute("disabled"); if(a >= ai || b >= bj){eleman.disabled = true;} } } } function madd() {var xx1 = document.getElementById("amat").value;var xx2 = document.getElementById("bmat").value; seta(xx1,xx2); if(aj != bi) { alert("We can multiply two matrix only when the number of columns of first matrix is equal to number of rows of second matrix."); } else{var a11 = document.getElementById("a11").value; var a12 = document.getElementById("a12").value; var a13 = document.getElementById("a13").value; var a21 = document.getElementById("a21").value; var a22 = document.getElementById("a22").value; var a23 = document.getElementById("a23").value; var a31 = document.getElementById("a31").value; var a32 = document.getElementById("a32").value; var a33 = document.getElementById("a33").value; var b11 = document.getElementById("b11").value; var b12 = document.getElementById("b12").value; var b13 = document.getElementById("b13").value; var b21 = document.getElementById("b21").value; var b22 = document.getElementById("b22").value; var b23 = document.getElementById("b23").value; var b31 = document.getElementById("b31").value; var b32 = document.getElementById("b32").value; var b33 = document.getElementById("b33").value; var tmp; for(var i=1;i<=3;i++) {for(var j=1;j<=3;j++){tmp = document.getElementById("a"+i+""+j).value;if(tmp==""){alert("Enter all values for Matrix 1 "); return 0;}} } for(var k=1;k<=3;k++) {for(var l=1;l<=3;l++){tmp = document.getElementById("b"+k+""+l).value;if(tmp==""){alert("Enter all values for Matrix 2 ");return 0;}} } var ssd = false; for(var a=1; a<4; a++) { for(var b=1; b<4; b++) { if(a < ai && b < bi){ var axx = ("a"+a+b); //alert("a"+a+b+"="+axx+" - - "+ai); if(axx == "") ssd = true; } if(a != aj && b != bj){ var bxx = ("b"+a+b); if(bxx == "") ssd = true; } } } if(ssd==true){ alert("Empty cells are present. Please fill proper values"); } else { aa11 = "("+a11+"*"+b11+")+("+a12+"*"+b21+")+("+a13+"*"+b31+")"; aa12 = "("+a11+"*"+b12+")+("+a12+"*"+b22+")+("+a13+"*"+b32+")"; aa13 = "("+a11+"*"+b13+")+("+a12+"*"+b23+")+("+a13+"*"+b33+")"; aa21 = "("+a21+"*"+b11+")+("+a22+"*"+b21+")+("+a23+"*"+b31+")"; aa22 = "("+a21+"*"+b12+")+("+a22+"*"+b22+")+("+a23+"*"+b32+")"; aa23 = "("+a21+"*"+b13+")+("+a22+"*"+b23+")+("+a23+"*"+b33+")"; aa31 = "("+a31+"*"+b11+")+("+a32+"*"+b21+")+("+a33+"*"+b31+")"; aa32 = "("+a31+"*"+b12+")+("+a32+"*"+b22+")+("+a33+"*"+b32+")"; aa33 = "("+a31+"*"+b13+")+("+a32+"*"+b23+")+("+a33+"*"+b33+")";document.getElementById("aa11").value = aa11;document.getElementById("aa12").value = aa12;document.getElementById("aa13").value = aa13;document.getElementById("aa21").value = aa21;document.getElementById("aa22").value = aa22;document.getElementById("aa23").value = aa23;document.getElementById("aa31").value = aa31;document.getElementById("aa32").value = aa32;document.getElementById("aa33").value = aa33; for(var a=1; a<4; a++) { for(var b=1; b<4; b++) { if(a < ai && b < bj){ } else { var dfx = ("aa"+a+b);document.getElementById(dfx).value = "0"; } } } for(var a=1; a<4; a++) { for(var b=1; b<4; b++) { if(a < ai && b < bj){ var axx = ("aa"+a+b); var dfx = ("ba"+a+b);var new1 = document.getElementById(dfx);var new2 = document.getElementById(axx);new1.value = eval(new2.value); } else { var dfx = ("ba"+a+b);document.getElementById(dfx).value = "0"; } } } } } } var spl_Keys = new Array();spl_Keys.push(8);spl_Keys.push(39); function check(ad) { var PATTERN = /^-?[0-9]*$/;if (!ad.value.match(PATTERN)) {ad.value = ad.value.replace(ad.value.slice(-1), ""); } } function chk(){ var sds = document.getElementById('dum'); if(sds == null){alert("You are using a free package.\n You are not allowed to remove the tag.\n"); document.getElementById("maindiv").style.visibility="hidden"; } var sdss = document.getElementById("dumdiv"); if(sdss == null){alert("You are using a free package.\n You are not allowed to remove the tag.\n");} } window.onload=chk; 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Release Date - 09-03-2015 Get free version without ©copyright link for just $10/ -
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Copy and paste the code into your HTML page to use this matrix calculator.
Select the matrix type and enter the values to multiply the respective matrices.
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