This free javasrcipt Mortgage Loan calculator is used to calculate Monthly Payment( EMI ),Monthly Average Interest and Monthly Interest based on Loan amount, rate of interest and number of years . This Loan calculator is for free.
Javascript Simple Mortgage Loan Calculator provides Monthly Payment ( EMI ) and Monthly Interest for the given Loan amount ,interest rate and period.
This is a free javascript calculator.
Just copy the code into your page and use it.
Simple Mortgage Loan Calculator
<!-- Script by --> <script type="text/javascript"> function checnum(as) { var dd = as.value; if(isNaN(dd)) { dd = dd.substring(0,(dd.length-1)); as.value = dd; } } function loan() { var a = document.first.aa.value; var b =; var c =; var n = c * 12; var r = b/(12*100); var p = (a * r *Math.pow((1+r),n))/(Math.pow((1+r),n)-1); var prin = Math.round(p*100)/100; document.first.r1.value = prin; var mon = Math.round(((n * prin) - a)*100)/100; document.first.r2.value = mon; var tot = Math.round((mon/n)*100)/100; document.first.r3.value = tot; for(var i=0;i<n;i++) { var z = a * r * 1; var q = Math.round(z*100)/100; var t = p - z; var w = Math.round(t*100)/100; var e = a-t; var l = Math.round(e*100)/100; a=e; } } </script> <!-- Script by -->
Enter the value for loan amount, rate of interest and number of years. After entering the values click calculate button
When calculate button is clicked then function loan() is triggered to calculate the monthly payment( EMI ), monthly average interest and monthly interest for the given loan amount, rate of interest and period.